Prof. Rigoard

Prof. Rigoard


Prof. Philippe Rigoard is Senior surgeon and coordinator of the Spine & Neuromodulation Unit within the Neurosurgical Department, at the Poitiers University Hospital, in France. He is also an Honorary Consultant at St Thomas & Guy’s Hospital, Pain clinic, in London, UK, an Anatomy conference reader at the Human Morphology Institute, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Poitiers and a Researcher at “Institut PPrime”, CNRS ISAE-ENSMA-UPR3346 (Axe PEM), and is the research program director of PRISMATICS, Predictive Research In Spine/neuromodulation Management and Cardiac Innovation Surgery in Poitiers. He put a lot of efforts to rebuild the INS French chapter (Société Française de NeuroModulation, SFNM), which is now represented again in the global community.

In parallel of studying anatomy and morphology at National Art Institute, Beaux-Arts, Paris, from 1994-1996, Prof. Rigoard decided to enter into medicine. He received his medical degree as 1st Laureate of faculty of Medicine, Poitiers in 2006 and completed postgraduate medical training in spine surgery 2008 and a fellowship in functional neurosurgery in 2009.

From 2002-2007 he also completed his PhD of Sciences, in Poitiers as well as several degrees including in Neuromuscular Diseases, acute pain, chronic pain and pain management in emergency conditions, microsurgical techniques and surgical robotics. 

His main research interest is neuromodulation and spine biomechanics. He has intensive scientific collaborations with several researchers worldwide, e.g., Prof. Kumar (Canada), Dr. Desai, Prof. North, Prof. Slavin (USA) and Dr. Al-Kaisy (UK). 

Prof. Rigoard is reviewer for several scientific journals. He is also a member of professional societies, including the International Association for the Study of Pain, International Neuromodulation society, European Association of Neurosurgeons, French and North American Society of Spine Surgery.

Prof. Rigoard has also published dozens of journal articles, abstracts, and book chapters, and has lectured at more than 100 conferences and symposia worldwide.