Prof. Lopez Lopez

Prof. Lopez Lopez


Dr. Jose A. Lopez Lopez is a 66-years old neurosurgeon involved in pain management since 1979. Three years later obtained his PhD with the Thesis: “Beta-Endorphin and Thalamic Surgery for Pain”.

Member of the Spanish Pain Society, the IASP, the Spanish Society of Neuromodulation, the INS, as well as other societies in neurosurgery.

Specially interested in chronic non-malignant pain through Neuromodulation techniques.

Has been professor of courses on Neuromodulation from both beginners and advanced users in Cadiz. Head of the Special Interest Group on Neuromodulation of the Spanish Pain Society. Past Secretary of the Executive Committee of the SIG on Neuromodulation of the IASP.

He works at the “Puerta del Mar” Hospital as neurosurgeon and physician of the pain clinic. He is also professor of Neurosurgery at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cadiz.