Prof. Eldabe

Prof. Eldabe


Prof. Eldabe Is Clinical Professor of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at Durham University and consultant Anaesthetist at the James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough,

His interests include the use neuromodulation for the treatment of neuropathic pain particularly Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, medication management particularly opioids he is also interested in relief of cancer pain and spasticity in adults.

  • He has published more than 50 articles on the subjects of interventional pain relief and neuromodulation
  • He is the chairman of the British Pain Society ‘s Science and Research Committee.
  • He is Deputy Director of the Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria
  • He is Past President of the Neuromodulation Society, UK and Ireland.
  • He is President Elect of the International Neuromodulation Specialist Interest Group.