Prof. Cattrysse

Prof. Cattrysse

Contact details

Erik Cattrysse
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Brussels, Belgium



  • Faculty of Physical Education and Physical Therapy
  • Ass. Professor
    Dept. Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy
  • Head of Experimental Research department
    Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    9 Nov 2012 → 30 Sep 2025
    1 Oct 2006 → 30 Sep 2012


  • 7 VUB Awards
  • 10 VUB Projects

Scientific output

  • 220 publications
  • 79 articles including 47 in SCI-rated journals (source Web of Science)
  • 91 meeting abstracts
  • 27 books (author and co-author)
  • 6 book chapters
  • 191 student theses (62 master theses + 116 master after master theses + 12 doctoral theses)
  • 14 memberships of external research organisations
  • 7 memberships of peer review panel or committee
  • 4 editorial board memberships
  • Web of science: Times Cited: 248, Citations without sefl-citations: 204, H-index: 10