Prof. Buchser

Prof. Buchser


  • August 2015 - Senior Consultant, Dept. Of Anaesthesia, Pain Management & Neuromodulation Centre, EHC Hospital of Morges, Switzerland
  • October 2004-2014 - Professor “Titulaire” in Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Biology & Medicine, University of Lausanne – Switzerland
  • October 2002 - Privat-Docent & Maître d'Enseignement et de recherche, Faculty of Biology & Medicine, University of Lausanne – Switzerland
  • October 1991 - Sub-Speciality in Intensive Care
  • October 1987 - Agrégé of faculty, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lausanne - Switzerland
  • September 1983 - Specialist in Anaesthesia
  • May 1983 - Doctorate in Medicine
  • June 1977 - Federal Diploma of Medicine

Postgraduate training

  • University Hospital CHUV, Lausanne
  • Pain clinic, Clinical Fellow, University Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Anaesthesiology, Clinical Fellow, Anaesthesia Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Past position

1988-2014 - Head of the Anaesthesia and Pain Management Services – Neuromodulation Centre, Hôpital de Morges, Switzerland

Current position

Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Pain Management and Neuromodulation Centre, EHC-Hospital of Morges, Switzerland


Publications in peer reviewed journals (Total 106) - Publications in the area of pain management & neuromodulation, last 5 years (23)

106. Wankhede, V.Buchser, E. A Case of Pocket Fill Causing Baclofen Withdrawal. Neuromodulation2018, In Press

105. Eldabe, S. S., Taylor, R. S., Goossens, S., Bouche, B., Gultuna, I., Green, C., Tinsley, J., Luyet, P. P., Buchser, E.A Randomized Controlled Trial of Subcutaneous Nerve Stimulation for Back Pain Due to Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: The SubQStim Study. Neuromodulation2018, In Press

104. Deer T R, Lamer TJ, Pope JE, Falowski SM, Provenzano DA, Slavin K, Golovac S, Arle J, Rosenow JM, Williams K, McRoberts P, Narouze S, Eldabe S, Lad SP, De Andres JA, Buchser E, Rigoard Ph, Levy RM, Simpson B, Mekhail N: The Neurostimulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) Safety Guidelines for the Reduction of Severe Neurological Injury. Neuromodulation2017; 20(1):15-30

103. Deer TR, Pope JE, Hayek SM, Bux A, Buchser E, Eldabe S, De Andres JA, Erdek M, Patin D, Grider JS, Doleys DM, Jacobs MS, Yaksh TL, Poree L, Wallace S, Prager J, Rauck R, DeLeon O, Diwan S, Falowski SM, Gazelka HM, Kim P, Leong M, Levy RM, McDowell G II, McRoberts P, Naidu R, Narouze S, Perruchoud C, Rosen SM, Rosenberg WS, Saulino M, Staats P, Stearns LJ, Willis D, Krames E, Huntoon M, Mekhail N: The Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference (PACC): Recommendations on Intrathecal Drug Infusion Systems Best Practices and Guidelines. Neuromodulation2017, 20(2):96-132.

102. Eldabe S, Duarte RV, Madzinga G, Batterham AM, Brookes ME, Gulve AP, Perruchoud C, Raphael JH, Lorenzana D, Buchser E: Comparison of the Effects of Intermittent Boluses to Simple Continuous Infusion on Patients' Global Perceived Effect in Intrathecal Therapy for Pain: A Randomized Double-Blind Crossover Study. Pain Med 2017,18(5):924-931

101. Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Perruchoud C, Rutschmann B, Buchser E, Aminian K: Quantifying dimensions of physical behavior in chronic pain conditions. J Neuroeng Rehabil 2016, 13(1):85.

100. Miller JP, Eldabe S, Buchser E, Johanek LM, Guan Y, Linderoth B: Parameters of Spinal Cord Stimulation and Their Role in Electrical Charge Delivery: A Review. Neuromodulation2016, 19(4):373-384.

99. Eldabe S, Buchser E, Duarte RV: Complications of Spinal Cord Stimulation and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Techniques: A Review of the Literature. Pain Med 2016, 17(2):325-336.

98. Prager J, Deer T, Levy R, Bruel B, Buchser E, Caraway D, Cousins M, Jacobs M, McGlothlen G, Rauck Ret al: Best practices for intrathecal drug delivery for pain. Neuromodulation 2014, 17(4):354-372; discussion 372.

97. Perruchoud C, Buchser E, Johanek LM, Aminian K, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Taylor RS: Assessment of physical activity of patients with chronic pain. Neuromodulation2014, 17 Suppl 1:42-47.

96. Deer TR, Mekhail N, Provenzano D, Pope J, Krames E, Thomson S, Raso L, Burton A, DeAndres J, Buchser Eet al: The appropriate use of neurostimulation: avoidance and treatment of complications of neurostimulation therapies for the treatment of chronic pain. Neuromodulation 2014, 17(6):571-597; discussion 597-578.

95. Deer TR, Mekhail N, Provenzano D, Pope J, Krames E, Leong M, Levy RM, Abejon D, Buchser E, Burton Aet al: The appropriate use of neurostimulation of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system for the treatment of chronic pain and ischemic diseases: the Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee. Neuromodulation2014, 17(6):515-550; discussion 550.

94. Baron R, Backonja MM, Eldridge P, Levy R, Vissers K, Attal N, Buchser E, Cruccu G, De Andres J, Hansson Pet al: Refractory Chronic Pain Screening Tool (RCPST): a feasibility study to assess practicality and validity of identifying potential neurostimulation candidates. Pain Med 2014, 15(2):281-291.

93. Perruchoud C, Eldabe S, Batterham AM, Madzinga G, Brookes M, Durrer A, Rosato M, Bovet N, West S, Bovy Met al: Analgesic efficacy of high-frequency spinal cord stimulation: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Neuromodulation2013, 16(4):363-369.

92. Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Buchser E, Aminian K: Unraveling dynamics of human physical activity patterns in chronic pain conditions. Scientific reports 2013, 3:2019.

91. Mohammed SI, Eldabe S, Simpson KH, Brookes M, Madzinga G, Gulve A, Baranidharan G, Radford H, Crowther T, Buchser Eet al: Bolus intrathecal injection of ziconotide (Prialt(R)) to evaluate the option of continuous administration via an implanted intrathecal drug delivery (ITDD) system: a pilot study. Neuromodulation 2013, 16(6):576-581; discussion 582.

90. Perruchoud C, Bovy M, Durrer A, Rosato M, Rutschmann B, Mustaki JP, Buchser E: Severe hypertension following accidental clonidine overdose during the refilling of an implanted intrathecal drug delivery system. Neuromodulation 2012, 15(1):31-34; discussion 34.

89. Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Perruchoud C, Buchser E, Aminian K: Barcoding human physical activity to assess chronic pain conditions. Plos One 2012, 7(2):e32239.

88. Mohammed SI, Eldabe S, Simpson KH, Brookes M, Madzinga G, Gulve A, Baranidharan G, Radford H, Crowther T, Buchser Eet al: Bolus Intrathecal Injection of Ziconotide (Prialt(R)) to Evaluate the Option of Continuous Administration via an Implanted Intrathecal Drug Delivery (ITDD) System: A Pilot Study. Neuromodulation 2012.

87. Deer TR, Prager J, Levy R, Rathmell J, Buchser E, Burton A, Caraway D, Cousins M, De Andres J, Diwan Set al: Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference 2012: Recommendations for the Management of Pain by Intrathecal (Intraspinal) Drug Delivery: Report of an Interdisciplinary Expert Panel. Neuromodulation 2012, 15(5):436-466.

86. Deer TR, Prager J, Levy R, Rathmell J, Buchser E, Burton A, Caraway D, Cousins M, De Andres J, Diwan Set al: Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference-2012: Consensus on Diagnosis, Detection, and Treatment of Catheter-Tip Granulomas (Inflammatory Masses). Neuromodulation2012, 15(5):483-496.

85. Deer TR, Prager J, Levy R, Burton A, Buchser E, Caraway D, Cousins M, De Andres J, Diwan S, Erdek Met al: Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference-2012: Recommendations on Trialing for Intrathecal (Intraspinal) Drug Delivery: Report of an Interdisciplinary Expert Panel. Neuromodulation 2012, 15(5):420-435.

84. Deer TR, Levy R, Prager J, Buchser E, Burton A, Caraway D, Cousins M, De Andres J, Diwan S, Erdek Met al: Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference-2012: Recommendations to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in Intrathecal Drug Delivery in the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Neuromodulation 2012, 15(5):467-482.

Publications in non-peer reviewed journals (9)

Chapters in books and monographies (6)

Abstracts and Posters (More than 100)

Invited speaker (total more than 100)

Peer-reviewed Grants (10)

Teaching & academic activities

  1. General Anaesthesia
  2. Examiner at the Diploma of the European Academy for Anaesthesiology (1990)
  3. European Academy Examination board (1989)
  4. Chairman of the European Diploma of Anaesthesia and Intensive care examination Part II (Viva)
  5. Examiner at the Swiss Examination of Anaesthesiology (1989-1996)
  6. Section reviewer for the Journal Neuromodulation (2013)


  • International Association for the Study of Pain, 1981
  • Swiss Society for the Study of Pain (1993)
  • Swiss Society of Anaesthesia and Reanimation (1985) – Board member (1988-1997))
  • Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (1986)
  • European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (1989)
  • European Academy of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (1991)
  • Swiss Society of Palliative Care Medicine (Founding Member, 1988)
  • International Society for Neuromodulation (1995; Board member 2012-2014)