Mr. Dudding

Mr. Dudding


Mr Thomas Dudding MD FRCS
Consultant Colorectal & Pelvic Floor Surgeon
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
R&D Chair - National Pelvic Floor Society of Great Britain & Ireland
Pelvic Floor Chair - Neuromodulation Society United Kingdom & Ireland

Thomas Dudding is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at University Hospital Southampton, UK. He has a sub-specialist interest in neurogastroenterology and pelvic floor disorders and is recognised internationally as an expert in the use of sacral nerve stimulation for bowel disorders. His training including previous fellowships at St. Mark’s Hospital, London and Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. He has published widely on the field of pelvic floor disorders and sits on the European experts panel for sacral neuromodulation. He is the research and development lead for the National Pelvic Floor Society of Great Britain & Ireland and the Pelvic Health lead for the Neuromodulation Society of United Kingdom & Ireland.